Folk dance in the learning process in basic education students

  • Mercedes Mireya Cedeño Carrasco Escuela de Educación Básica Adolfo Álvarez
  • Erika Johanna Valenzuela Litardo Unidad Educativa Seis de Octubre
  • Betty Elena Ferruzola Cruz Escuela de Educación Básica Adolfo Álvarez
  • Anna Bertha Zamora Moreno Unidad Educativa Seis de Octubre
Keywords: Dance, culture, folklore, subject, formative


Dance since very remote times has been one of the most practiced and applauded cultural manifestations of mankind, in all social strata and undoubtedly in its abstraction. Only the strength and power of man has allowed us to be welcomed by different ideological currents, it matters in a special way to the educational task that every day various cultural activities are carried out, that allow us to work with a look that can place the subjects who live in the school field from their characters of group identity, recovering dance or music as a resource that can rescue these contributions from the play of the movement, dance like any art, a product of the human activity of survival and pursuit of aesthetic pleasure, its origin as everything in society develops culturally. Dance before ascending to a stage and becoming an artistic genre was used even for magical and religious rituals and spells. Today folk dance has acquired new connotations, treatments, forms, and content, has become a professional activity, business activity and a playful activity and little, but more importantly, it has become vital as a formative element in education, becoming a tool and a necessary way of educating and finally a constituent element of identities, their treatment is highly diverse and differentiated.


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How to Cite
Cedeño Carrasco, M. M., Valenzuela Litardo, E. J., Ferruzola Cruz, B. E., & Zamora Moreno, A. B. (2021). Folk dance in the learning process in basic education students. Ecuadorian Science Journal, 5(1), 24-29.
Research Paper
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