Statistical analysis to measure the linear by using a Bayesian approach

  • Glenda Michelle Vásquez Tumbaco Universidad de Guayaquil
  • Daysi Alejandrina Ponce Lauzó Universidad de Guayaquil
  • Melvin Zambrano Universidad de Guayaquil
  • Antonio Alexander Anchundia Choez Universidad de Guayaquil
Keywords: Migration, Ecuadorians, Circumstances, Variables, Bayes theorem.


The present work aims to demonstrate the causes of the migration of Ecuadorians to other countries, as well as to make known among the migratory index what age range they migrate with the most excess. The problem is that Ecuador is one of the countries that have a large number of migrants, in the face of these circumstances there are characteristics such as economic, political, job offers, family problems among others, these being the main reasons why which migrate Using the Bayes Theorem application method, you will determine the exact probability of each of the causes that affect migrants. Of the total of 1,048,575 respondents gives us an analysis of 34.09% decide to migrate to the United States for unemployment, with the application of the Bayes theorem in RStudio it was possible to determine the probability of each of the causes by which the population migrates to other countries.


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How to Cite
Vásquez Tumbaco, G. M., Ponce Lauzó, D. A., Zambrano, M., & Anchundia Choez, A. A. (2020). Statistical analysis to measure the linear by using a Bayesian approach. Ecuadorian Science Journal, 4(1), 14-20.
Research Paper
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