Design and development of a test laboratory based on Smart Home applying 802.11 and Z-Wave communication protocols

Keywords: Smart Home, Controller, Home automation, Test laboratory, Z-Wave protocol, Sensor


Current technological development, with equipment capable of sending and receiving data, together with advanced communication protocols, makes it possible to implement smart homes for the comfort and safety of their owners. Engineering students must be familiar with these technologies, therefore it is necessary to have test laboratories to carry out communication and device linking practices. The present work is based on the design and construction of a home automation equipment test laboratory, the scale house design was carried out using 3D printing technology, the equipment installed in the laboratory such as sensors, actuators and controllers were selected for give comfort and security to users, these devices are connected using Z-Wave and Wi-Fi communication protocols, the Raspberry Pi 3 card works as a server for the control and monitoring program. The “Home-Assistant” software was used because it is open source, because of the communication it has with various home automation devices and because it allows real-time monitoring locally and remotely what happens at home. The execution of commands to turn on / off the devices was carried out through Amazon's Alexa smart speaker and an interface developed in “Home-Assistant”, the interface also allows real-time monitoring of the cameras and observing the records of temperature, luminosity and electricity consumption. With the test lab, engineering students can practice home automation with sensors, actuators, controllers, interface design changes, and add more devices.



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How to Cite
Moreno Serrano, C., Ortiz Mata, J., & Sánchez, V. R. (2021). Design and development of a test laboratory based on Smart Home applying 802.11 and Z-Wave communication protocols. Ecuadorian Science Journal, 5(4), 74-88.
Research Paper
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