About the Journal

Journal title Ecuadorian Science Journal
Abbreviation Ecuad. Sci. J
ISSN 2661-6548 (online)
Frequency 2 issues per year (March & September)
DOI prefix 10.46480
Business Model Open Access (OA), no APC
Organized / Collaboration GDEON
Editors see Editorial Team
Citation Analysis Scopus | Web of Science | Google Scholar

Ecuadorian Science Journal is an open access, peer-reviewed, scientific, bilingual, and multidisciplinary journal. The journal is aimed at the academic community, researchers, graduates, productive sectors, and, in general, the public. The main objective is to disseminate unpublished results of original research in the following areas: 1. Natural Sciences; 2. Engineering and Technology; 4. Agricultural Sciences; 5. Social Sciences; and 6. Humanities according to the Classification of Scientific Areas of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OCDE). To date, it has been indexed in the LATINDEX Catalog 2.0, OAJI, MIAR, DIALNET, LatinRev, REDIB, Index Copernicus, AmeliCA, and ERIHPLUS.

Publication frequency: Bi-annual (March 30, and September 30).
Submission to First Decision: 30 days
Submission to Acceptance: 80 days
Accept to Publish: 12 days
Acceptance Rate: 19%

GDEON Editorial
e-ISSN: 2602-8077

Current Issue

Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024): September
Published: 2024-09-30

Research Paper

  • Analysis of preferential treatment for public transport at intersections controlled by traffic lights

    Henry Hernandez-Vega, Lester Rojas-Ocampo
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.46480/esj.8.2.196
  • AHP Analysis of Virtual Classrooms (LMS) for Higher Education Organizations in Ecuador

    Mitchell Vásquez Bermúdez , Jorge Hidalgo Larrea , María Avilés Vera, Miguel Molina Villacís , Alex Suárez Jaramillo
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.46480/esj.8.2.201
  • Design of a dashboard module in the Moodle learning management system for activity tracking

    Mitchell Jhon Vásquez Bermúdez, Miguel Giovanny Molina Villacís, Karina Paola Real Avilés, Manuel Valverde Minchalo
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.46480/esj.8.2.203
  • Experimental BCI Prototype for Monitoring Brain Patterns in Drug Rehabilitation Patients

    Fabián Andrés Espinoza Bazán, Cecilia Elizabeth Cabanilla Burgos, Francisco Gerardo Palacios Ortiz, Dennisse Stephania Sánchez Andrade, Gabriel Gerardo Catuto Cuenca
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.46480/esj.8.2.204
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