Implementation of a computer system for the automation of biometric reporting at the "Yavirac" Institute of Technology

  • Christian Hernan Mejia H Student, Ecuador
Keywords: SCRUM, sprint, Biometric, Methodology agile


Nowadays the development of software has become very competitive, that is the reason why We search fluidity, quality and lower costs in the execution of the different projects. For this, it is necessary to have the agility provided by an agile development methodology. In the world of agile software development methodologies there are a wide variety of options and alternatives, for which the leaders of each project have the difficult task of selecting the alternative that best suits their needs and, most importantly, the resources with those available. This study focuses on the analysis of the SCRUM agile method and how it can be used in the development of software for the automation of the biometric system of the Yavirac Higher Technological Institute. At the time of project execution, the SCRUM methodology could be implemented, obtaining as a result a viable and functional product, demonstrating the efficiency of the SCRUM methodology.


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Abstract 101
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How to Cite
Mejia H, C. H. (2021). Implementation of a computer system for the automation of biometric reporting at the "Yavirac" Institute of Technology. Ecuadorian Science Journal, 5(3), 162-172.
Research Paper
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