Risk analysis according to the ISO 45001 standard in educational institutions in rural areas of the Yaguachi canton

Keywords: Analysis tools, educational institutions, risk standards, security


The application of risk standards in educational institutions in rural areas of the Yaguachi canton, conceives the development of a guide for a future implementation of a safety and risk model based on the international standard for safety and occupational health management system ISO 45001, which contributes to the primary education system as a model in safety, for which, we proceeded to identify the level of compliance of institutions with the requirements of the standard and thus assess the degree of risk that they present, using analysis tools and other legal institutions of industrial safety. The research methodology was based on a historical, descriptive and documentary study. The applied technique was field research since it is carried out in the place where the problem arises and the lack of knowledge of the international standard for the safety and occupational health management system ISO 45001 and the tools of analysis and risk management could be evidenced. Among the questions guiding this research are the following: What technological tools can be used to design a safety and risk model? How to identify the level of safety in educational institutions? Are there risk analysis and management tools to assess the degree of exposure? How to develop a model based on the ISO 45001 standard and other legal institutions for educational institutions in rural areas of Yaguachi canton?



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How to Cite
Mendoza, I., Naranjo, B., & Núñez, E. (2021). Risk analysis according to the ISO 45001 standard in educational institutions in rural areas of the Yaguachi canton. Ecuadorian Science Journal, 5(4), 15-27. https://doi.org/10.46480/esj.5.4.167
Research Paper
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