English Capturing and rearing the Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia Illucens) for organic waste biodegradation in Puerto Quito, Ecuador.
BSF, bioconversion, organic waste, HermetiaAbstract
Hermetia illucens, the black soldier fly- BSF(Black Soldier FLY), is one of the most studied species with the enormous potential to convert organic waste into animal food and feed and fertilizers. This invertebrate larva transforms up to 50% of organic biomass, reintroduced in the trophic chains as a natural nutrient recycling and waste management alternative. Despite the numerous worldwide reports, Ecuador has not documented any scientific information on capturing, multiplying BSF. This research seeks to determine the best H.illucens capture option in rural tropical climates in Ecuador and the best local waste to feed larvae and convert waste. The results determined that the most suitable trap to capture the insect was TE-005 (net-type trap), which showed capturing adult organ-isms, followed by the TD-004 trap (tray-type trap), where flies place their eggs for later hatching and selection of BSF larvae. The experimental design used a banana control treatment and three different substrates types: vege-tables, fruit trees, meat, pig manure, and mixed domestic waste. The results showed a bio-conversion percentage rate of 77.66% for the control test, followed by 55% for the domestic waste substrate.The current research was based on implemented several studies worldwide, indicating that the BSF waste treatment is a viable alternative to be implemented in Puerto Quito- Ecuador.|||||||
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