Biogeographic Determination (life zones) in the Province of Pichincha

  • Héctor Pérez Instituto Superior Tecnológico Sucre, Ecuador
  • María José Anrango Instituto Superior Tecnológico Sucre, Ecuador
  • Gabriela Villagrán Instituto Superior Tecnológico Sucre, Ecuador
  • Daniel Ortiz Instituto Superior Tecnológico Sucre, Ecuador
  • Lizeth Chela Instituto Superior Tecnológico Sucre, Ecuador
  • Leonardo Fernández Instituto Superior Tecnológico Sucre, Ecuador
Keywords: basin, potential evapotranspiration, actual evapotranspiration, precipitation, biogeographic floors, sub-basin, temperature, life zones, Holdridge


In the Pichincha province, the management of ecological zones guarantees the quality and quantity of water in the basins and hydrological sub-basins; however, deforestation and deterioration of the vegetation cover put the remnants of their forests at risk, since the destruction of natural resources directly affects the water supply and its quality. In this context, the programs for the conservation and protection of wildlife areas, direct their efforts to the organizational aspect, thus involving the communities, their leaders, and, educational institutions as primary actors for the conservation and environmental protection, always trying to determine the areas with similar groupings of plants and animals. In this sense, considering the orography of the Guayllabamba river sub-basin, preliminary analysis information is obtained from the state agency (INAMHI), which has temperature, precipitation, and hydrology data at the national level registered through automatic stations located at strategic points; taking as a point of reference for climate analysis, the AJ Cubi Estación hidrológicathat encourages triangulation and closure of areas. It should be noted that the essential parameters to determine in a general way the existing resources of a region are temperature and precipitation.


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How to Cite
Pérez, H., Anrango, M. J., Villagrán, G., Ortiz, D., Chela, L., & Fernández, L. (2021). Biogeographic Determination (life zones) in the Province of Pichincha. Ecuadorian Science Journal, 5(3), 239-261.
Research Paper
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