Experimental BCI Prototype for Monitoring Brain Patterns in Drug Rehabilitation Patients


  • Fabián Andrés Espinoza Bazán
  • Cecilia Elizabeth Cabanilla Burgos
  • Francisco Gerardo Palacios Ortiz
  • Dennisse Stephania Sánchez Andrade
  • Gabriel Gerardo Catuto Cuenca




Rehabilitation, Brain, BCI, Brain patterns, EEG


This research aims to present an emerging solution based on BCI Technologies for patients in drug rehabilitation therapy. This work presents an introductory framework on the expansion of illicit markets and the increase in global drug consumption; thus, highlighting the need for innovative approaches, such as brain-computer interfaces (BCI), to improve rehabilitation and personalize addiction treatments. Subsequently, an EEG device is used to capture brain signals during addiction rehabilitation, processed with EEGLAB software. Finally, the researchers developed a BCI prototype for real-time monitoring of brain patterns in patients in addiction rehabilitation. Using the Emotiv Insight EEG device and EEGLAB software, brain signals are captured and processed to personalize therapies, improving the precision and effectiveness of the treatment. Initial results show the prototype's ability to detect variations in brain activity, optimizing therapeutic intervention and opening new possibilities in mental health.


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Research Paper

How to Cite

F. A. . Espinoza Bazán, C. E. . Cabanilla Burgos, F. G. Palacios Ortiz, D. S. . Sánchez Andrade, and G. G. Catuto Cuenca, “Experimental BCI Prototype for Monitoring Brain Patterns in Drug Rehabilitation Patients”, Ecuad. Sci. J, vol. 8, no. 2, Dec. 2024, doi: 10.46480/esj.8.2.204.