Self-perception of occupational health in teachers of the Institute Superior Technologic Sucre

Keywords: Self-perception of health, teachers of an institute, Pandemic Covid 19, socio-demographic variables


The objective of the study was to quantify and interpret the indicators and meanings of the self-perception of health of the teachers of a Higher Technological Institute. The scope was descriptive, correlational and explanatory with a mixed derivative QUANTI - quali approach. The quantitative part had a non-experimental, descriptive and correlational design. The Goldberg GHQ-30 General Health questionnaire was applied to 106 teachers, the results of its variables were analyzed associating them with nominal data through the Chi square X2, V of crammer and the odds ratio to determine statistically significant relationships, inferential force and probability of occurrence. The qualitative phase was developed through the focal interview with purposeful sampling, the thematic axes were the same dimensions of the Goldberg questionnaire. The method of analysis was of thematic content. As main results: 39 teachers presented mental health disorders: psychosomatic symptoms: 23.6%, anxiety and insomnia: 12.3%, social dysfunction: 4.7% and depression: 0.9%. Women and teachers of the Environmental Management career turned out to be vulnerable groups to psychosomatic symptoms with OR scores of 3.2 and 3.3 respectively. Among the causes evidenced in the interviews, the ailments are due to: working conditions, change of modality, learning virtual environments, job insecurity and fear of being fired. It is concluded that the occurrence of the Covid19 pandemic increased the degree of exposure to risk factors related to the characteristics of the teaching task that has affected mental and emotional health.


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How to Cite
Noroña Salcedo, D., Mosquera Hernández, V., & Laica Hernández, V. (2021). Self-perception of occupational health in teachers of the Institute Superior Technologic Sucre. Ecuadorian Science Journal, 5(3), 59-72.
Research Paper
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