Evaluation of the effects of nutrient solutions as an input alternative in the production of radish (raphanus sativus) with a hydroponic system under a protected environment

  • Alexander Garcia Instituto Superior Tecnlogico Paulo Emilio Macias, Ecuador https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2386-8569
  • Enrique Macias Instituto Superior Tecnlogico Paulo Emilio Macias, Ecuador
  • Jimmy Loor Instituto Superior Tecnlogico Paulo Emilio Macias, Ecuador
  • Milton Vega Instituto Superior Tecnlogico Paulo Emilio Macias, Ecuador https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2992-2573
Keywords: hydroponics, nutritive solutions, radish, dosages, floating roots


In the present research work, the cultivation of radish (raphanus sativus) was evaluated agronomically under a floating root hydroponic production system using a completely replicated design with 56 containers per treatment. Hydroponic cultivation is a modality in the management of plants, which allows their cultivation without soil. This technique produces mainly herbaceous plants, taking advantage of non-conventional sites or areas, without losing sight of the plants' needs, such as light, temperature, water and nutrients. In the hydroponic system, the essential mineral elements are provided by the nutrient solution. Hydroponic crop yields can be double or more than double those of soil-based crops. The availability of water and nutrients, the levels of radiation and temperature of the environment, the density of planting or arrangement of plants in the hydroponic system, the action of pathogens or pests, among other factors will strongly influence the crop yield. Modernity has allowed the introduction of computer advances for the control and execution of activities, which have made the automation of hydroponic cultivation a reality. It was concluded that of the two treatments that were evaluated, the best system was that of concentrated solutions of potassium nitrate, ammonium and calcium called solution concentration (a) under the floating root system.

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How to Cite
Garcia, A., Macias, E., Loor, J., & Vega, M. (2021). Evaluation of the effects of nutrient solutions as an input alternative in the production of radish (raphanus sativus) with a hydroponic system under a protected environment. Ecuadorian Science Journal, 5(3), 320-340. https://doi.org/10.46480/esj.5.3.163
Research Paper
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