Dance as a teaching strategy for strengthening intercultural skills in the classroom

  • Karina Rocío Rendón Centeno Unidad Educativa Seis de Octubre de Ventanas, Ecuador
  • Nelly Jackeline Méndez Terán Unidad Educativa Seis de Octubre de Ventanas, Ecuador
  • Connie Patricia Rodríguez Arechúa Unidad Educativa Seis de Octubre de Ventanas, Ecuador
  • Petra Lucia Ramírez Martínez Unidad Educativa Seis de Octubre de Ventanas, Ecuador
Keywords: Interculturality, Culture, Dance, Pedagogy


The purpose of this intervention work is to implement dance as a strategy for intercultural promotion in the students of the 3rd BGU of the Educational Unit Seis de Octubre de Ventanas, largely according to the existing intercultural problems in various parts of the world, considering the Ecuador a diverse country in culture. The identification of the various cultures in the classroom is carried out through a constructivist plan, in order to use the didactic method for the design of a proposal for an intercultural dance festival, capable of being evaluated and presented at the institution level. where students learn to identify and respect the existing diversity, customs and a harmonious coexistence within the classroom in addition to strengthening bonds of fellowship. Considering this research as a contribution to the improvement of quality and educational environment in the institution promoting social training in values.


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Abstract 439
PDF (Español (España)) 368
How to Cite
Rendón Centeno, K. R., Méndez Terán, N. J., Rodríguez Arechúa, C. P., & Ramírez Martínez, P. L. (2022). Dance as a teaching strategy for strengthening intercultural skills in the classroom. Ecuadorian Science Journal, 6(1), 14-22.
Research Paper
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