Determination of load in fittings Home Systems “k”

  • Néstor Silverio UTPL
  • Holger Benavides Muñoz Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
Keywords: Hydraulic bench, pipefittings, resistance factor “k”


Hydraulic load losses in fittings are important when designing hydro sanitary systems to estimate the service pressure that will be taken at certain demand points. The objective of this study was to determine the hydraulic load losses in the most frequently used fittings in household hydraulic supply systems, by creating a hydraulic test bench with different diameters of pipes and fittings in PVC material. Through a centrifugal pump, the water was propelled with determined pressure and flow and through a data logger, the pressures were recorded before and after each installed element that was analyzed. In addition, a calibrated hydraulic bench of ARMFIELDC6 – MKII – 10 brands were used to analyze the pressure losses in accessories, where the water was circulated with different flow rates and pressures to obtain circulating flow ratios with the resistance factor “k” obtained. With the built hydraulics bench it was determined that the resistance factor “k” in each installed branch varies depending on the internal diameter and circulating flow of each pipeline, resulting in the accessories: Universal, Elbow 90 °, and TEE are inversely proportional to its diameter. On the other hand, the union fitting is directly proportional to its diameter, with the hydraulic bench ARMFIELD C6 - MKII - 10 the value of the resistance coefficient “k” obtained experimentally is inversely proportional to the circulating flow in all the fittings inflows ranging from 0,4 L / s up to 1,3 L / s.


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How to Cite
Silverio, N., & Benavides Muñoz , H. (2020). Determination of load in fittings Home Systems “k”. Ecuadorian Science Journal, 4(2), 7-11.
Research Paper
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