Systems Monitoring with Big Data Technologies

  • Yogledis Herrera Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, Spain
  • Freddy Heredia Universidad Centroccidental, Venezuela
Keywords: Big Data, Data Analysis, Data Visualization, Elk, Elasticsearch, Log


The following research work is aimed to provide relevant information on the performance of an ERP application from its event log files (logs) owned by a company dedicated to consulting ERP business systems, in order to support the company in finding the causes of low availability of its ERP application. The logs that are captured by computer systems, in general tend to be erased, although these can be transformed into new knowledge. Most of these are reviewed when there is some kind of problem, as is the case with the company selected as a pilot for this work. The main objective of estudied company under study is to guarantee the availability of the ERP software that it sells, currently it has several implementations of the system, to which its clients connect at any time of the day and from anywhere in the country, so availability 24 hours a day and 365 days a year plays a important role, therefore it requires a global but also detailed vision of the behavior of its applications. Among several existing tools in the software industry for the processing of large volumes of data with the capacity to deliver the information required by the mentioned company, a Big Data platform called Elastic Stack.


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Abstract 117
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How to Cite
Herrera, Y., & Heredia, F. (2021). Systems Monitoring with Big Data Technologies. Ecuadorian Science Journal, 5(3), 152-161.
Research Paper
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