Design of a dashboard module in the Moodle learning management system for activity tracking
Dashboard, Activity tracking, Moodle, Open Source, Data VisualizationAbstract
Context: Moodle is a LMS that through its activities stores compliance data of each of the users who participate in them. This study not only presents the design and implementation of a dashboard module in Moodle for activity tracking, but also evaluates its effectiveness through performance metrics and a statistical analysis that includes comparison with control groups. Method: This research proposes the design and implementation of a dashboard module with the objective of tracking activities in the Moodle LMS. Results: To validate the present research work, the monitoring of activities for students of a subject within a virtual classroom in a controlled mirror environment of the learning management system of the University of Guayaquil that is in production was carried out. The effectiveness of the dashboard was evaluated using performance metrics such as information access time, frequency of use, and task completion rate. A statistical analysis was performed that included comparison with a control group. Conclusions: The results obtained from this project are positive because it optimizes the time of analysis of the activities of the students to the teachers. The data analysis generated by the dashboard allowed teachers to identify areas for improvement and specific needs of the students, which promoted more personalized learning and optimized the teaching-learning process.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Mitchell Jhon Vásquez Bermúdez, Miguel Giovanny Molina Villacís, Karina Paola Real Avilés, Manuel Valverde Minchalo

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