Interactive software to support the process and learning of mathematics for the first of high school

  • Flor Maribel Lasso Cambo Unidad Educativa Soldado Monge, Ecuador
  • Maritza Pilar Ilbay Zatan Unidad Educativa Seis de Octubre de Ventanas, Ecuador
  • Eulogia Mercedes Sánchez Pluas Unidad Educativa Seis de Octubre de Ventanas, Ecuador
  • Angy Yolimar Zambrano Toapanta Unidad Educativa Soldado Monge, Ecuador
Keywords: educational software, mathematics, learning


The objective of the research is to develop an interactive software to strengthen the process of teaching Mathematics in the students of the first year of high school of the Educational Unit "Six of October" of the canton Ventanas. The approach is quantitative, for the investigation a sample of students was considered where a survey was applied, allowing to determine the scarce application of ICT in the teaching-learning process. The evaluation of the users served to determine the degree of feasibility of the application of technology in the educational teaching process improves academic performance, so it is recommended to integrate interactive software in educational practice since it is an innovative tool, it motivates the educating and developing authentic performances.


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Abstract 253
PDF (Español (España)) 135
How to Cite
Lasso Cambo, F. M., Ilbay Zatan, M. P., Sánchez Pluas, E. M., & Zambrano Toapanta, A. Y. (2022). Interactive software to support the process and learning of mathematics for the first of high school. Ecuadorian Science Journal, 6(1), 32-41.
Research Paper
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