Improvement of arrival and departure times in a mass public transport system applying a computational model and Monte Carlo Simulation
Uniform probability distribution, Monte Carlo simulation, random numbersAbstract
The objective of this work is to simulate the arrival and departure of transport units in order to improve the quality of the service and the waiting time that each public transport unit takes to complete the entire route by applying the Monte Carlo simulation method. Due to the lack of buses to supply the entire community that uses this means of transport and the recent complaints from residents due to the fact that there is no bus that circulates through that place, the acquisition of new units will be proposed, to meet this demand. In this project, the departure time of the buses from “Cooperativa Albosau” line 47 is simulated. In order to carry out this simulation, a uniform distribution is used, in which the average departure time of each bus will be taken on a Friday. at the bus station. In order to obtain the waiting time between each bus departure, the Monte Carlo Method is used, where random numbers are generated in a program prepared in Python, in order to know the estimated time of the process and to know if it is convenient to acquire new units. As a result, the average arrival and departure times of the buses of this cooperative were reduced. Likewise, it was possible to determine, through a uniform distribution, the average times in each of the departure and arrival processes of all buses, including those already provided by the transport cooperative.
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