Application of the Six Sigma Methodology to reduce the variability of quality in the production of yarn for Flat Weaving

  • Edison Sánchez Instituto Superior Tecnológico Sucre, Ecuador
  • Lorena Banda Instituto Superior Tecnológico Sucre, Ecuador
  • Katya Guerra Instituto Superior Tecnológico Sucre, Ecuador
  • Pamela Moposita Instituto Superior Tecnológico Sucre, Ecuador
Keywords: Desviation, Efficiency, Title, Weft, Warp, Variable


The Weaving area is in charge of obtaining a fabric in perfect quality conditions and complying with the scheduled time. For this, the Real and Operational Efficiencies with which they work within the area are very important and necessary to comply with, since this section is the bottleneck of any company, due to the time it takes to weave an article. To carry out this study we will focus on the production of yarn with the following characteristics: Warp yarn: 20Tex title, 100% Co. Weft yarn: 23.5Tex title, 100% Co. It will begin with the description of the Six Sigma methodology, which is the focus of the problem, analyzing the goals with which they are managed in the Weaving area against the situation currently. Next, the second part of Six Sigma will be detailed, which is to specify the problem with the historical analysis of the process regarding quality deviations and their impact variables, production and quality indicators will be established. We will establish goals, defining control methods to reduce variability in the process, we will carry out tests of defined batches during production time and record the results. Monitoring of plant tests, with their respective documentation of results. Finally, the last part of Six Sigma will be detailed, which is monitoring results and processes. Measure with indicators the effects found in the process. Establishing successful methods and procedures. Defining the points that require specific controls and calculations of the results obtained in efficiency and quality.


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Abstract 253
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How to Cite
Sánchez, E., Banda, L., Guerra, K., & Moposita, P. (2021). Application of the Six Sigma Methodology to reduce the variability of quality in the production of yarn for Flat Weaving. Ecuadorian Science Journal, 5(3), 125-137.
Research Paper
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