Community Tourism and Museum: Articulation for the Strengthening of local bases

  • Tatiana Chicaiza Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • David Chontasi Universidad Central del Ecuador
Keywords: community tourism, community museums, articulation, strengthening, rural communities.


In the context of tourism planning and development, the community is conceived as a nucleus of organized people committed to their collective well-being. The experience of community-based tourism and museum initiatives in communities is impacting the collective cultural practices and imaginations of a community. Thus, the need to study the theoretical articulation between community tourism and community museum was born, two locally based initiatives that in their constructive process converge to generate benefits for community development. In order to respond methodologically, the research used the theoretical documentary base and the method of analysis-synthesis. The descriptive character allowed identifying three criteria for reflection: correlation between ecology and culture; identity catalyst and community social structure strengthener. The results show that this articulation works in a complementary way because it shows the harmony of human beings between the ecological and cultural system, at the same time it represents a scenario of resilience because the diversification of activities provides alternative opportunities for community development.


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How to Cite
Chicaiza, T., & Chontasi, D. (2021). Community Tourism and Museum: Articulation for the Strengthening of local bases. Ecuadorian Science Journal, 5(1), 37-45.
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